Partner Ecosystem for Gen-AI and Predictive-AI in Shopfloor Management

How our tech partners can support AI in Shopfloor Management

Our partners deliver services and solutions with AI aspects of Industry 4.0 and automation and task optimization within manufacturing and production environments, overseeing, monitoring and improving the day-to-day operations, enhance efficiency, quality, and overall performance.

Process Management and Optimization

We analyze and optimize manufacturing processes to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance overall productivity.

  • Predictive AI analyzes historical production data to identify bottlenecks and optimize production workflows, reducing cycle times and improving resource utilization.
  • Gen-AI systems use machine learning algorithms to continuously monitor process parameters and recommend adjustments in real-time to maintain optimal performance.
  • GPT generates detailed process documentation and standard operating procedures based on verbal descriptions or observations, aiding in process standardization and knowledge management.
  • Predictive AI analyzes process data to predict equipment failures and schedule maintenance proactively, minimizing downtime and optimizing equipment reliability.


We develop and deploy advanced automation solutions, including robotic process automation (RPA), to streamline repetitive tasks and improve operational efficiency.

  • Gen-AI develops RPA solutions for tasks like data entry, report generation, and invoice processing in office environments, reducing manual effort and errors.
  • Predictive AI algorithms automate equipment maintenance scheduling based on predictive maintenance models, optimizing maintenance activities and reducing unplanned downtime.
  • GPT automates customer service interactions through chatbots, providing quick responses to common queries and enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • Predictive AI optimizes production line adjustments based on real-time demand forecasts, automating production planning and scheduling processes.

CIS (Continuous Improvement System)

We support continuous improvement initiatives by analyzing data, identifying areas for enhancement, and providing insights for process optimization.

  • Gen-AI analyzes production data to identify trends and patterns, providing insights for ongoing next gen Kaizen projects aimed at improving efficiency and quality.
  • Predictive AI monitors key performance indicators (KPIs) and flags areas for improvement, driving continuous improvement efforts focused on enhancing shopfloor operations.
  • GPT generates improvement suggestions based on historical data and industry best practices, fostering a culture of continuous improvement among shopfloor personnel.
  • Predictive AI predicts potential process improvements and simulates their impact before implementation, ensuring informed decision-making and effective resource allocation.


We provide support during Gemba practices by offering insights and recommendations for improvement during on-site observations.

  • Gen-AI analyzes Gemba observation data to identify recurring issues or opportunities for improvement, facilitating targeted interventions and process enhancements.
  • Predictive AI analyzes Gemba data in real-time and provides immediate feedback to shopfloor personnel on deviations from standard processes, enabling prompt corrective actions.
  • GPT generates Gemba observation reports and highlights areas for attention based on historical data and industry benchmarks, guiding Gemba practitioners in their improvement efforts.
  • Predictive AI predicts potential safety hazards or quality issues based on Gemba observations, enabling proactive interventions to prevent accidents or defects.


We optimize workflow management using Kanban principles, ensuring smooth operations and efficient task allocation on the shopfloor.

  • Examples:
  • Gen-AI analyzes Kanban board data to identify workflow bottlenecks and recommend adjustments to optimize task prioritization and resource allocation.
  • Predictive AI forecasts demand fluctuations and adjusts Kanban signals accordingly to maintain optimal inventory levels and ensure JIT production.
  • GPT generates Kanban cards and task assignments based on real-time demand forecasts and production schedules, ensuring efficient task execution and resource utilization.
  • Predictive AI monitors Kanban workflows and dynamically allocates resources to address bottlenecks and meet delivery deadlines, optimizing overall production efficiency.


We facilitate lean manufacturing practices by identifying and eliminating waste, streamlining processes, and optimizing resource utilization.

  • Examples:
  • Gen-AI analyzes production data to identify non-value-added activities and recommend process improvements to minimize waste and increase efficiency.
  • Predictive AI monitors resource usage and production metrics in real-time, identifying opportunities to optimize resource allocation and streamline operations.
  • GPT generates lean process improvement recommendations based on historical data and industry best practices, guiding lean initiatives on the shopfloor.
  • Predictive AI analyzes production processes and identifies areas for improvement to enhance overall operational efficiency and reduce waste in manufacturing operations.


We develop and deploy automation solutions to streamline repetitive tasks and improve operational efficiency in office environments.

  • Gen-AI develops RPA solutions for tasks like data entry, document processing, and report generation, reducing manual effort and improving accuracy.
  • Predictive AI automates invoice processing and payment approvals based on predefined rules and historical transaction data, optimizing accounts payable processes.
  • GPT generates automated email responses to common customer inquiries, freeing up employee time for more complex tasks and improving customer service efficiency.
  • Predictive AI automates data reconciliation tasks by matching and verifying data across multiple systems, reducing errors and improving data accuracy in financial processes.

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

We support TPM initiatives by analyzing equipment data, predicting maintenance needs, and optimizing maintenance schedules to maximize equipment uptime and reliability.

  • Gen-AI analyzes equipment sensor data and historical maintenance records to predict potential failures and schedule preventive maintenance, reducing unplanned downtime.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor equipment performance metrics in real-time and alert maintenance teams to potential issues, enabling proactive maintenance interventions.
  • GPT generates maintenance schedules based on historical equipment performance data and maintenance best practices, optimizing maintenance activities for maximum efficiency.
  • Predictive AI analyzes equipment usage patterns and recommends equipment upgrades or replacements to minimize maintenance requirements and improve overall equipment reliability.

Predictive Maintenance

We use machine learning algorithms to predict equipment failures and schedule maintenance proactively, reducing downtime and optimizing equipment reliability.

  • Gen-AI analyzes historical equipment sensor data to identify patterns indicative of impending failures and predict maintenance needs before breakdowns occur.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor equipment health indicators in real-time and use predictive models to forecast potential failures, enabling proactive maintenance scheduling.
  • GPT integrates predictive maintenance algorithms with maintenance management systems to automate maintenance scheduling based on predicted failure probabilities.
  • Predictive AI analyzes equipment usage data and environmental factors to identify conditions conducive to equipment degradation and recommend preventive maintenance actions to mitigate risks.

Value Stream Mapping (VSM)

We support value stream mapping by analyzing production processes, identifying value-added and non-value-added activities, and optimizing workflows to eliminate waste and improve efficiency.

  • Gen-AI analyzes production data and identifies value stream mapping opportunities to streamline processes, reduce lead times, and improve overall operational efficiency.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor production workflows and identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies, guiding value stream mapping initiatives to optimize resource utilization and improve throughput.
  • GPT generates value stream maps based on historical process data and industry best practices, highlighting areas for improvement and guiding process optimization efforts.
  • Predictive AI integrates value stream mapping insights with production planning systems to optimize workflow sequences, minimize setup times, and improve overall process efficiency.

Just-in-Time (JIT) Production

We support JIT production by optimizing production scheduling, inventory management, and supply chain coordination to minimize inventory levels and improve responsiveness to customer demand.

  • Gen-AI analyzes demand forecasts and production capacity data to optimize production schedules and align production with customer demand, facilitating JIT production.
  • Predictive AI algorithms forecast demand fluctuations and adjust production schedules in real-time to ensure timely production and delivery of products, supporting JIT principles.
  • GPT generates JIT production schedules based on historical demand data and supply chain lead times, minimizing inventory holding costs and improving inventory turnover rates.
  • Predictive AI integrates JIT production principles with inventory management systems to automate inventory replenishment processes based on real-time demand forecasts, ensuring optimal inventory levels and minimizing stockouts.

Quality Management Systems (QMS)

We support QMS by analyzing quality data, identifying root causes of defects, and implementing corrective and preventive actions to improve product quality and customer satisfaction.

  • Gen-AI analyzes quality inspection data and identifies patterns indicative of quality issues, guiding corrective actions to address root causes and improve product quality.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor production processes in real-time and detect deviations from quality standards, triggering immediate corrective actions to prevent defective products from reaching customers.
  • GPT generates quality control procedures based on historical quality data and industry regulations, ensuring consistency and compliance with QMS requirements.
  • Predictive AI integrates quality control measures with production monitoring systems to predict potential quality issues and implement preventive measures to maintain consistent product quality and customer satisfaction.

Employee Empowerment and Engagement

We support employee empowerment and engagement by providing training, feedback, and recognition opportunities based on performance data and employee preferences.

  • Gen-AI analyzes employee performance data and identifies skill gaps, recommending personalized training programs to enhance employee skills and knowledge.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor employee engagement metrics and identify opportunities to improve morale and motivation, facilitating targeted interventions to enhance employee satisfaction.
  • GPT generates personalized feedback and recognition messages based on employee performance data and preferences, fostering a culture of recognition and appreciation in the workplace.
  • Predictive AI integrates employee feedback mechanisms with performance management systems to collect feedback from employees and implement continuous improvement initiatives based on their suggestions and concerns.

Quality Control and Predictive Analytics

We support quality control efforts by analyzing production data, detecting deviations from quality standards, and predicting potential quality issues to implement preventive measures and ensure consistent product quality.

  • Gen-AI analyzes quality inspection data and identifies patterns indicative of quality issues, triggering immediate corrective actions to prevent defective products from reaching customers.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor production processes in real-time and predict potential quality issues based on historical data and production parameters, enabling proactive interventions to maintain consistent product quality.
  • GPT generates quality control procedures and checklists based on industry best practices and regulatory requirements, ensuring compliance and consistency in quality control measures.
  • Predictive AI integrates quality control measures with production monitoring systems to analyze production data and predict potential quality issues before they occur, enabling preventive measures to maintain product quality and customer satisfaction.

Data-Driven Decision Making

We support data-driven decision-making by analyzing large volumes of data, identifying patterns and trends, and providing actionable insights to guide strategic and operational decisions.

  • Gen-AI analyzes historical production and market data to identify trends and patterns, guiding strategic decisions related to production planning, product development, and market positioning.
  • Predictive AI algorithms analyze real-time production data and market trends to predict demand fluctuations and guide operational decisions related to inventory management, production scheduling, and supply chain coordination.
  • GPT generates reports and dashboards summarizing key performance indicators and operational metrics based on data from various sources, enabling informed decision-making at all levels of the organization.
  • Predictive AI integrates data analytics capabilities with decision support systems to analyze complex datasets and provide actionable insights, facilitating data-driven decision-making in areas such as pricing, resource allocation, and risk management.

Forecasting and Inventory Optimization

We support forecasting and inventory optimization efforts by analyzing demand data, predicting future demand trends, and optimizing inventory levels to minimize stockouts and holding costs.

  • Gen-AI analyzes historical sales data and market trends to forecast future demand and optimize inventory levels, ensuring timely production and delivery of products to meet customer demand.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor demand fluctuations in real-time and adjust inventory levels accordingly to minimize stockouts and excess inventory, optimizing inventory turnover rates and reducing holding costs.
  • GPT generates demand forecasts and inventory optimization models based on historical data and market insights, providing recommendations for inventory management strategies to maximize profitability and customer satisfaction.
  • Predictive AI integrates demand forecasting models with supply chain management systems to automate inventory replenishment processes based on predicted demand, ensuring optimal inventory levels and minimizing stockouts while reducing excess inventory.

Process Optimization and Autonomous Control

We support process optimization and autonomous control by analyzing production data, identifying inefficiencies, and autonomously adjusting process parameters to maximize efficiency and productivity.

  • Gen-AI analyzes production data and identifies opportunities for process optimization, recommending adjustments to process parameters and workflow sequences to improve efficiency and reduce cycle times.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor real-time production metrics and detect deviations from optimal process conditions, triggering autonomous adjustments to process parameters to maintain consistent product quality and production efficiency.
  • GPT generates process optimization recommendations based on historical data and industry best practices, guiding process improvement initiatives aimed at reducing waste and improving overall operational efficiency.
  • Predictive AI integrates process optimization algorithms with manufacturing execution systems (MES) to autonomously control production processes and adjust process parameters in real-time based on predictive analytics, maximizing efficiency and productivity while ensuring consistent product quality.

MES Systems

We support MES systems and digital twins by analyzing real-time production data, simulating virtual replicas of physical assets, and optimizing production processes to improve efficiency and reliability.

  • Gen-AI analyzes real-time production data from MES systems and identifies opportunities for process optimization, recommending adjustments to improve efficiency and reduce downtime.
  • Predictive AI algorithms use digital twins to simulate production processes and predict potential equipment failures, enabling proactive maintenance interventions to prevent unplanned downtime and optimize equipment reliability.
  • GPT generates virtual replicas of production assets based on real-time sensor data and historical performance metrics, enabling virtual testing of process changes and optimization strategies before implementation.
  • Predictive AI integrates digital twins with predictive maintenance models to simulate the impact of maintenance interventions on equipment performance and production output, optimizing maintenance schedules and ensuring minimal disruption to production operations.

SCADA Systems

We support SCADA systems and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) by analyzing sensor data, monitoring industrial processes, and optimizing control systems to improve operational efficiency and reliability.

  • Gen-AI analyzes real-time sensor data from SCADA systems and identifies anomalies indicative of equipment malfunctions or process deviations, triggering alerts and corrective actions to prevent production disruptions.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor IIoT sensor data and detect patterns indicative of potential equipment failures or quality issues, enabling predictive maintenance interventions to minimize downtime and ensure consistent product quality.
  • GPT generates predictive analytics models based on historical SCADA data and IIoT sensor data, providing insights into process performance and recommending adjustments to optimize operational efficiency and productivity.
  • Predictive AI integrates IIoT sensor data with SCADA systems to monitor equipment health and performance in real-time, enabling proactive maintenance interventions and optimizing control systems to improve overall operational reliability and efficiency.

Workforce Optimization

We support workforce optimization by analyzing employee performance data, identifying skill gaps, and recommending training programs to enhance employee skills and productivity.

  • Gen-AI analyzes employee performance metrics and identifies areas for improvement, recommending personalized training programs to enhance employee skills and productivity.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor employee engagement and productivity metrics and identify opportunities to improve performance, facilitating targeted interventions to enhance employee satisfaction and motivation.
  • GPT generates personalized feedback and coaching messages based on employee performance data and preferences, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and employee development in the workplace.
  • Predictive AI integrates workforce optimization strategies with talent management systems to identify high-potential employees and provide targeted development opportunities to nurture talent and maximize workforce productivity.

Human-Robot Collaboration

We support human-robot collaboration by analyzing production workflows, identifying tasks suitable for automation, and optimizing collaboration between humans and robots to improve productivity and efficiency.

  • Gen-AI analyzes production workflows and identifies tasks suitable for automation, optimizing human-robot collaboration to improve overall productivity and efficiency on the shopfloor.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor production processes and identify opportunities to enhance human-robot collaboration, enabling robots to assist humans in tasks that require precision or repetitive actions, thereby improving productivity and reducing errors.
  • GPT generates training materials and standard operating procedures for human-robot collaboration based on best practices and industry guidelines, ensuring safe and efficient interaction between humans and robots in the workplace.
  • Predictive AI integrates human-robot collaboration strategies with robotics control systems to optimize task allocation and coordination between humans and robots, maximizing overall productivity and efficiency while ensuring workplace safety.

Energy Management

We support energy management efforts by analyzing energy consumption data, identifying opportunities for optimization, and implementing energy-saving measures to reduce costs and environmental impact.

  • Gen-AI analyzes energy consumption patterns and identifies opportunities for optimization, recommending adjustments to production schedules or equipment settings to reduce energy usage and minimize costs.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor real-time energy consumption data and predict future energy demand trends, enabling proactive energy management strategies to optimize energy usage and reduce costs.
  • GPT generates energy-saving recommendations based on historical energy consumption data and industry best practices, guiding energy management initiatives aimed at reducing environmental impact and improving sustainability.
  • Predictive AI integrates energy management strategies with production scheduling systems to optimize energy usage based on production demand, minimizing energy waste and reducing operational costs while maintaining production efficiency.

ESG Sustainability

We support ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) sustainability initiatives by analyzing environmental impact data, identifying opportunities for improvement, and implementing sustainable practices to reduce carbon footprint and promote social responsibility.

  • Gen-AI analyzes environmental impact data and identifies areas for improvement, recommending sustainable practices and technologies to reduce carbon emissions and minimize environmental footprint.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor resource usage and environmental impact metrics in real-time, identifying opportunities to optimize resource utilization and promote sustainability in production processes.
  • GPT generates sustainability reports and recommendations based on ESG performance data and industry benchmarks, guiding sustainability initiatives aimed at reducing environmental impact and promoting social responsibility.
  • Predictive AI integrates sustainability metrics with production planning systems to optimize resource allocation and minimize environmental footprint while maintaining production efficiency and meeting customer demand.

Supply Chain Management

We support supply chain management by analyzing supply chain data, identifying risks and opportunities, and optimizing supply chain processes to improve efficiency, resilience, and responsiveness.

  • Gen-AI analyzes supply chain data and identifies supply chain risks, recommending mitigation strategies and contingency plans to improve supply chain resilience and minimize disruptions.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor supply chain performance metrics and detect patterns indicative of potential disruptions or bottlenecks, enabling proactive supply chain management interventions to maintain continuity and responsiveness.
  • GPT generates supply chain optimization recommendations based on historical supply chain data and industry best practices, guiding supply chain management initiatives aimed at improving efficiency and reducing costs.
  • Predictive AI integrates supply chain analytics with demand forecasting models to optimize inventory levels and production scheduling, ensuring timely delivery of products while minimizing inventory holding costs and stockouts.

Supply Chain Visibility

We support supply chain visibility efforts by analyzing supply chain data, tracking product movements, and providing real-time insights into supply chain operations to improve transparency and coordination.

  • Gen-AI analyzes supply chain data and tracks product movements in real-time, providing visibility into supply chain operations and enabling proactive management of inventory levels and production schedules.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor supply chain performance metrics and identify deviations from expected patterns, triggering alerts and notifications to supply chain managers to address issues and ensure continuity.
  • GPT generates supply chain visibility dashboards and reports based on real-time supply chain data and historical performance metrics, providing insights into supply chain operations and enabling informed decision-making.
  • Predictive AI integrates supply chain visibility tools with logistics management systems to track product shipments and deliveries in real-time, enabling accurate ETA predictions and proactive management of supply chain disruptions.

Risk Management

We support risk management efforts by analyzing risk factors, assessing potential impacts, and implementing risk mitigation strategies to minimize financial, operational, and reputational risks.

  • Gen-AI analyzes historical risk data and identifies emerging risk factors, enabling proactive risk management interventions and mitigation strategies to minimize potential impacts on operations and reputation.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor risk indicators in real-time and predict potential risk events based on historical data and market trends, enabling timely risk mitigation measures to minimize negative consequences.
  • GPT generates risk assessment reports and recommendations based on risk data analysis and industry best practices, guiding risk management initiatives aimed at protecting the organization from financial and operational risks.
  • Predictive AI integrates risk management frameworks with decision support systems to assess the potential impact of risk events and recommend risk mitigation strategies, ensuring resilience and continuity in the face of uncertainties.

Supply Chain Act (EU)

We support the Lieferkettengesetz, or Supply Chain Act, as a proposed EU legislation aimed at regulating the responsibilities of companies regarding human rights and environmental standards throughout their supply chains. It seeks to ensure that companies operating within the EU uphold ethical and sustainable practices in their global supply chains, including addressing issues such as forced labor, child labor, and environmental degradation.

  • Gen-AI analyzes supply chain data to identify potential risks related to human rights violations or environmental non-compliance, enabling companies to take proactive measures to address these issues and ensure compliance with the Supply Chain Act.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor supply chain operations and identify areas of non-compliance with ethical standards, enabling companies to implement corrective actions and mitigate risks of legal and reputational damage under the Supply Chain Act.
  • GPT generates reports and documentation outlining the steps taken by companies to comply with the requirements of the Supply Chain Act, ensuring transparency and accountability in supply chain management practices.
  • Predictive AI integrates supply chain monitoring tools with compliance management systems to track and report on key performance indicators related to ethical and sustainable practices, facilitating compliance with the requirements of the Supply Chain Act.

Reporting in Sustainability (EU)

We support the reporting obligation in sustainability from the EU with the requirement for companies operating within the EU to disclose information related to their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance in their annual reports or dedicated sustainability reports. This obligation aims to promote transparency and accountability in corporate sustainability practices and enable stakeholders to assess companies‘ sustainability efforts.

  • Gen-AI analyzes sustainability performance data and identifies areas where companies can improve their environmental, social, and governance practices to meet reporting obligations set forth by the EU.
  • Predictive AI algorithms monitor sustainability metrics and predict future trends in ESG performance, enabling companies to proactively address areas of concern and meet reporting requirements effectively.
  • GPT generates sustainability reports based on comprehensive analysis of environmental, social, and governance data, providing companies with detailed insights and recommendations to enhance their sustainability disclosures.
  • Predictive AI integrates sustainability reporting frameworks with corporate reporting systems to streamline the collection, analysis, and disclosure of ESG-related information, ensuring compliance with EU reporting obligations and fostering transparency in corporate sustainability practices.

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